Transform Your Career

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Transform your career

“A friend of mine used to say, ‘You cannot change the past, but every moment is an opportunity to change your future.” ― F.E. Higgins, The Eyeball Collector

What we do in our career can greatly impact our lives. While we may not always have control over external factors such as a turbulent job market, we do have control over our own choices. Whether you choose to stay in your current career or pursue a new path, there are five key things you should be certain about.

Love it.

Loving your work makes you more resilient and dependable in the face of constant challenges, no matter where you go or what you do.

Be authentic.

To achieve success and fulfillment, it’s essential to avoid letting pretence and prejudice sabotage your efforts in whatever field you choose.

Go with your passion.

While success can be challenging, survival can be even tougher. Without a strong passion for your work, your determination and efforts may falter. Make sure that your passion for your career is strong enough to fuel your drive towards success.

Don’t allow your ego to impede your progress

Vanity is counterproductive. It can leave you vulnerable to negative influences and weaken your ability to excel and find your true path.

Find yourself a good mentor.

Having a mentor who is experienced in your desired field is priceless. Don’t hesitate to seek out those who have walked the path before you. A conversation or moment of reflection with a mentor can have a life-changing impact on your career.

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